Swinoujscie for years already for the Germans a popular destination for holiday or spa vacation. The beautiful Baltic Sea beach in conjunction with the woods and the special healing climate offers many ways to make your stay varied. In addition, you can book a hotel or guesthouse in Swinoujscie at discounted prices. Many hotels in the resorts also offer a Lump sum with medical consultation and can perform in-house applications with qualified personnel.
Cures in hotels
In more and more hotels, you can also have a special treatment such as fasting, Buchinger diet or a Non smoking cure perform . It is easier and more comfortable for many people to indulge in a luxury hotel than Non smoking alone to fast at home or at renounce smoking friends or colleagues of the cigarette. Since these treatments may be subsidized as Prevention course of the German health insurance, the consultation before booking your trip is recommended. A diet or Non smoking treatment is often associated with motivating group discussions and also a nutrition advice so that one lives around health conscious. For a varied sports program you can use in Swinoujscie hotel, beach and of course all the free time in the city. Much swim, have a sauna and fitness operate not only help against unnecessary food as a cigarette substitute, it also distracts attention, puts the body in motion. Spa treatments including massage and baths provide the right feeling of wellbeing. During a stay in Swinoujscie you will soon know why the city used to be "world spa" was called.
Brine and mineral springs
There are brine and mineral springs, a particularly iodine healing climate and a long sandy beach with dunes and pine forests in picturesque surroundings. Even today you will find villas, which were inhabited by the elite in the last century. Since Poland's accession to the EU is a lot of construction and renovation, and from some villa in Swinoujscie hotel. Whom the itchy feet with a stroll through the port, which can also take a boat trip to Scandinavia or try your hand at deep sea fishing. Or one that leisurely bike rides along the coast. There are many ways to cure a Non smoking enjoyable to make and successfully.